Breast Cancer Awareness Fashion Show at Dillards


Breast Cancer/Cancer Awareness Scholarship 2021-2022 and Winner

H.O.P.E. Advancement Group Inc. and McKay's Catering will be offering a
1-time ($500.00) Scholarships to students who are 2022, graduating seniors from the following Miami-Dade County High Schools:
1. Miami Northwestern Senior High
2. Miami Norland Senior High
3. Miami Carol City Senior High
For application packet, download the PDF
For help or assistance, please call or email our office
* submissions close February 28, 2022*

Congrats to HOPE Advancement Group Inc's "50 Shades of Pink, Cancer Awareness Scholarship Fundraiser" winner.
Ms. Maria Wimberly, Vice President, is presenting our recipient, I'Yari Swift of Carol City Senior High with her Scholarship.
Ms. Swift will be attending the University of Florida this fall. Congrats and many blessings.